Douglas Jimenez


2005 (Delphi) 3D Game Project

This project is an evolution of the 2D Game Project. This project was developed using the Pascal language in 2005 with the GLScene component.  This project was started before I joined the Computer Science course and I have stoped it for two reasons, firstly because it was too hard to find people interested in joining on a voluntary project and secondly because in early 2006 I started to work and study.

This project is not advanced as the 2D version and I have not created many features but I could at least have some 3D experiences which were helpful to create my simple 3D Game Engine with C++ and DirectX API.

Some of the features developed are:

  • Terrain
    To generate the terrain height a gray scale bitmap was used, every 2 square pixels means one terrain tile and four object spaces, which means that in 1 terrain tile can define 4 different heights and put 4 objects/models;
  • Path Generator
    To move the actors (player and non player characters) around the map I have created an algorithm to generate a path based on the occupied tiles. It is a simple path generator which avoid high usage of the processor;
  • “Spherical World”
    The idea is to be able to go around the world. You could go straight and get back to the same spot.
  • Ocean Movement
    For visual enhancement a rippling ocean was created and when the player model enters it floats and follows smoothly the movement.
  • Map Editor
    It is one of the applications developed to help design the world. Each texture placed in the game can be defined in this application. Later I would like to create the option to define also the terrain height.
  • Server Protocol
    This project and the 2D project use the TCP/IP protocol to communicate, using 3 characters to identify the response type and then the parameters. Moreover, when the character moves around the world it only sends the changes in the area (like new objects).
  • Database
    The characters and accounts are saved in a PostgreSQL database and it is loaded only once and saved regularly.


Download Application (beta)

Lastest Game Screen

Map Editor

Testing GUI

Testing Path Maker Algorithm

Testing how to set the texture position